Since April 2018, we have been taking some time out to review the outcomes and impacts of our work under the current strategy (2014-2017)
and to consider how best to prioritise and focus our efforts for the coming years (2018-2022) to maximise the positive impacts on participation in sport and physical activity for the people of Waterford.
We have held a series of workshops and have invited representatives from schools, sports clubs, older adults, disability and other community organisations as well as holding workshops with our delivery partners (tutors, NGB staff, partner organisations etc), WSP Board and WSP staff. The intention of these workshops was to hear the views of organisations and individuals regarding WSP initiatives which have made a positive difference while also getting feedback on current gaps in provision which need to be addressed.
We wish to thank all those who have attended so far for their valuable contribution. We will be circulating a survey to representatives of the various organisations we work with and look forward to hearing your views.
Alternatively please feel free to send in any further contribution and feedback by email directly to
before Wednesday 6th June 2018.